Pricing guidelines

You should be aware that the following figures are simply guidelines as to what you might expect to pay when engaging a Private Investigator and every firm and every case will be different.

We aim to provide competitive prices whilst ensuring no loss of quality of service here at Elite Detectives.

Our intelligence department will use open source intelligence search techniques (OSINT) to conduct research. This research includes people tracing, person profiling, phone number identification, address checks etc. £50/hour.

Our vehicle trackers are hand built and have a long battery life. In most circumstances, the trackers are used  to aid effective surveillance and reduces the requirement for numerous agents. We will covertly fit the tracker and remove it when the surveillance has concluded. The data from the tracker is of no use if the identified addresses cannot be analysed, so we include 3 Intelligence Searches (usually £50/hour) within the cost of the tracker.

Surveillance fees vary depending upon the nature of the investigation. Physical surveillance will usually require two or more agents and we will advise on the most cost effective option. £50-£60/hour.

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